GLUS is written in ANSI C and uses GLFW and GLEW for desktop OpenGL.įor OpenGL ES and OpenVG on embedded systems or desktop simulations, EGL and platform dependent code and libraries are used. Converter functions for vectors and images.Helper functions, to set up ray trace buffers.Texture coordinate calculation functions for 3D objects.Adjacent vertices calculation functions for 3D objects.Wavefront object file (OBJ) loading functions with and without materials.Triangle based geometry generation functions: Planes, Disc, Cube, Sphere, Dome, Torus, Cylinder and Cone.Line based geometry generation functions: Line, Square, Rectangle, Circle.Perlin noise generation functions for 1D, 2D and 3D images.Fourier transform mathematics functions.Special matrix functions: View, orthogonal and perspective projection, planar reflection, planar shadow with point and directional light.Matrix and vector mathematics functions.Distance functions for Plane, Sphere, Axis-Aligned- and Oriented-Bounding-Box.Binary and text file loading and saving.Image loading (TGA, HDR and PKM) and saving (TGA and HDR).GLSL shader loading and program building.Screenshot and automatic screenshot for movie clip generation functions.Extension and version checking functions.EGL surface and context parameters used on all platforms for initialization.GLUT like rendering loop plus providing delta/passed time and terminate callback function.Also tested on the Raspberry Pi and the i.MX6

The cross platform and cross Graphic Library UtilitieS (GLUS) is an open-source C library, which provides a hardware (HW) and operating system (OS) abstraction plus many functions usually needed for graphics programming GLUS - Cross platform and cross graphic library utilities